Monday 1 August 2011

Pursuit Of Greatness

Identifying the consortium of things that i juggle up with my i seek to gain my purpose, seek to find my main.. on this earth's surface, struggling as if wanting to find some significance within my lifelessness..pursuing what seems to be a distant glory, bleak yet what i seek is bliss. The overcrowding nature of today's problems taunting every step i take, neglecting what seems to be the struggle I go through everyday to achieve something that gives me joy.....I need a sign
My hopes, Dreams, Fears, engaging themselves in a tug of war, unpurturbed....not really...maybe calculative of my so called life...nothing seeming to add up, everything deluding into no sense at all..a wall protruding from hence where there was a hedge..hoplessness seeming to push it further away, creating a hollow that keeps sucking away any signs of progress but yet that I... ..maintain my stance, not loosing sight of what lies ahead, my future, my happiness... navigate..the intricacies of life, planning to shake off any discrepancies, persuing a greatness only known to myself, entangled in the ever conscious web of desire that builds and prods within to push and shove, 'you need to make it..'he says' ...'you have to make it' he continues...yet through all this bombarded by the hussles of life that constrict my efforts to strive...threatened extinct by the unforgiving nature of the world..
...Still I hold strong, the renewal of my strength ever a pleasant fragrance that I take in everyday, an anchor  to the soul that lifts my weary self....'music to my soul' I tell him....a renewal that makes me believe that what I am looking for can be achieved, and I will go after it...unrepentant of what I seek, redemption coming not by being weak, so I continue encouraged by the vindicting nature that effort pays you with, elation filling my spirits, knowing that a day comes when I shall heal from all this, because from where I stand, as at now..
it looks beautiful, a piece of fine art, one that shall be a masterpiece that I created when i say 'it is done' and all this from what will be my Pursuit Of Happiness...

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