Thursday 17 March 2011

I still stand

I sit here dazzled by the epitomies of life, anchoring onto the only light of hope that comes forth...
forgetting and getting deep out of the claws of strife but it keeps getting hard....its dark and am trying to flap my wings like a moth...relate
of what lies ahead i know not of, wide straight paths that lead to no particular direction, my heart..unruly disturbed by the conscientious facts of cascades that seem to hinder my constant struggle of steps focused on yonder....
Hit blow after blow of catastrophic setbacks that know not of mercy, seeking to tear down my will to fight, blurring my sight, holding my legs down...pinned dead on the floor...i cant seem to take flight
Yet i am expected to keep a fight,sink myself for a little glimmer of strength, for a minute forget that i am a sinner with debt, raise my inner expectations with set exceptions that simmer my inner being with bits of strength each moment.....yet funny how they get swallowed whole by the rings of fire that consume burning up everything within, tearing down my terraces of a will to forge on....,
But yet the fortress that i lean on proves stronger, enhances my life with new moments, new beginnings, my ray of sunshine in my dark valley, in the dark alley...i walk not in fear of what the dark place holds for me, i stand tall in the hope of what my fortress protects me the surety that it will keep me from being torn, in the certainty that with it very little goes wrong so i will stand firm dark place because he my fortress has set the i just rest.

1 comment:

  1. ,:)..i agree.i like the depth bt more..ur word choice
